Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Video! Two Counterpath Events in June: Tinfish Press & Singing Horse Press

Counterpath has a wonderful space in Denver, right near the corner where the bus to Mexico stops. They host readings by presses. As the editor of a press who wishes everyone could buy all of our titles, the better to understand our press's argument, I love this practice. In June I was there with several Tinfish authors (Margo Berdeshevsky, Ya-Wen Ho, Janna Plant, Eric Paul Shaffer, and Maged Zaher) to launch Jack London is Dead: Euro-American Poetry of Hawai`i (and some stories), as well as the new volumes by Ya-Wen and MagedYou can watch the reading here.

Singing Horse Press was featured the next evening (watch video here). Paul Naylor, Andrew Schelling, and I read from our work. If you wonder why my reading starts with music going on, that was deliberate--I was reading from work that takes place in an Alzheimer's home, so I asked the Counterpath person to play some Frank Sinatra in the the background.

I'm very grateful to Counterpath (especially to Julie Carr, Michael Flatt, Ariella Ruth), not only for sharing their space with all of us--and with so many other presses--but also for preserving a record of our having been there to read. They also publish amazing books. My favorite has been Jonathan Stalling's Yinglishi,  but there's a whole catalogue of wonders.

l-r: Maged Zaher, Susan M. Schultz, Janna Plant, K. Lorraine Graham (guest!), and Margo Berdeshevky, after the reading. Photo by Ya-Wen Ho. Missing: Eric Paul Shaffer.

Design for all the Tinfish books launched is by Allison Hanabusa.

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